I can't believe how cool this new banner looks. I look so professional now!
I have to give Jessica Giglio props for doing such an awesome job for me. I'm sure I wasn't easy to deal with considering I have no computer savvy WHATS SO EVER!
Now I can't wait to get back to crafting. It has been SO long and I have missed it. School is out for my two girls and we have been on the road ever since.
We went to Virginia Beach, Washington D.C., Cancun, Minneapolis and Chicago all within a month and a half. I can't ever remember traveling this much. It was so much fun, but really good to be home.
This was the first time my girls have ever been on a plane also. I had to give up my window seat, but it was so worth it. They both did great, however, my hand is a little swollen from being held onto so tightly! Love it :-)
Our youngest is off to camp for 4 weeks, so things are a little quieter around here. I need to get on the ball and make her a card to send up there with a little care package. We'll be picking her up before I know it.
Ok-off to craft. Let me know what you think of the banner.